The "Angel-Devil" motif serves as a representation of humanity and its inherent imperfections. While children are often described as angels, their innocence symbolized by a cherub floating with wings, there is something intrinsically missing—an element of wonder and curiosity that isn't always purely angelic.
Rachel, as a mother, understands this dissonance, similarly recognizing that parenthood is both a gift and a sacrifice and encompasses polar dichotomies. Drawing inspiration from her own story, she created dichotomous cherubs based on the profiles of her two children, where both wings and horns emerge from their round, youthful faces.
The wings, adorned with eyes, harken to biblical depictions of angels, symbolizing omniscience. Yet, existence is never binary—life is filled with shades of gray, with duality often overlooked. Thus, little horns are added to the cherubic cameo, bringing balance to the piece and embodying the imperfect nature of humanity.
By wearing this motif, the joy of imperfection and the curiosity found in learning from mistakes find their place, reminding us of the intricate beauty found within our own imperfect reality.
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